APFJ - July 2024
Summary 🌟
In this release note, we've introduced new automation tools, an option to abstain, and enhancements like date and time synchronization, along with styling updates. We've also implemented fixes to strengthen security and improve the overall user experience.
New Features
Automation step NEW
New type of definition step, ‘Automation Step’ has been added.

Automation step has features listed below.
Change Issue Status
It optimizes the time and effort spent manually clicking and changing the issue status. Once the automation is triggered, it automatically updates the status to be displayed on the Jira board.
Change User Assigned to a Field
Change a user as an assignee in a field so that automation will reassign it after the approval process.
Add a Comment on Issue
Use it as an indicator for related parties to better understand the Approval Path process.
Add/Remove Label(s)
Effectively managing projects through labels to view and analyze issue better.
Set Entity Property
Enables advanced reporting and filtering by using issue properties to generate detailed reports beyond Jira's default fields.
Abstain option NEW
Abstain option has been implemented. This option was added due to customer’s feedback. Abstain allows approvers to express vote of abstention, it also works as silent approval. Here is available Abstain Option documentation for details.

Success step NEW
Previously, we implemented rejection step which enables automation when an approval is rejected. For same logic, we launched success step. In Definition view, now both success step and rejection step is available. Available step types are Automation and Webhook. Documentation for step-by-step can be found in Success Step and Rejection Step

Improved user configured time zone settings IMPROVED
We improved the system that all date and time displays across Jira, including approval timestamps, comments, and various views to reflect the user's configured time zone and locale settings based on their Atlassian account preferences or browser settings.
Improved approval path login page update IMPROVED
The styles of buttons on the login pages, such as the ‘Send me login link’ and ‘Login’ buttons, have been updated.
Redesigned error pages for detailed information IMPROVED
Error pages are redesigned to view issue with respective message like license expired, Atlassian reload required, version mismatch. Applied for a view for both light and dark mode.

Additional error log when user not found on approval data fetch IMPROVED
The bug fix added an error log to provide more detailed information when a user is not found during the process of fetching approval data.
Bug Fixes
Fixed width of the definition page FIXED
A new step container took the full width of the page, prevented the user from reaching the bottom of the page. Now user can reach the bottom of the page with fields.
Fixed text overflowing from definition page FIXED
Text input was breaking the border of ‘add a comment on issue’ window in Automation step page and in Condition window from definition page. After fix, the text appears safely contained in the window.
Fixed security vulnerability FIXED
Previously it allowed attackers to access and view the conditions configuration history of other Jira instances, potentially exposing sensitive information. Fixed a cross-instance IDOR vulnerability in Approval Path.
Fixed CSS vulnerability FIXED
In Approval Path, ‘Remove all items’ button in the user step was not functioning correctly, causing it to jump when clicked, regardless of the browser size. We have fixed this CSS issue and now user can click the button without a problem.