CSFC - December 2022
In the context of this document, the following terms are used which may be confusing.
Global Admin: An internal user with access to Contract Signature’s Global settings.
Admin: An internal Jira/ Confluence admin.
User: An internal user with access to assigned spaces, without admin access.
Signer: Often time an external user, of course internal users can sign documents as well however in this context we refer to a an external user without access to view or edit the document and the contract source.
Watcher: Watchers are additional participants that are only observing the contract process but do not have any technical engagements and cannot alter the process.
New features
There are now 8 new features available
OTP resend button NEW
A resend button is now available for the one time password (OTP) email when signing the contract.

API X Watchers NEW
Watchers functionality is now exposed to API. Documentation
Expiration date and time NEW
Users are now able to add expiration date and time when creating a new contract

Time zone NEW
Users are now able to select contract time zone when creating the contract
Checkbox for the /Signature macro NEW
New input type for signer.
video_1280.mp4A checkbox option is now available, this option will allow the assigned signer to check the box.
Hyperlink sign (On-site) NEW
User are now able to created a contract and have it signed on the same device without requiring an email address.
Hyperlink.mp4Contract access audit NEW
A new tab is now added on the contract page, allowing users to view the access audit on the contract.
Audit.mp4New macros
The signer macro NEW
This macro will automatically display a specific set of information, signers are unable to change this field, the source of information depend on its type and is mostly added while creating the contract. Documentation
The Contract Signatures details macro NEW
This macro will provide a panel to the user for an enhanced overview and enables quick access to all the contracts created on the designated page. Documentation
The contract signatures visibility control macro NEW
This macro will allow user to quickly hide parts of the document in order to create a deducted version of the contract. Documentation
Finalized contract in HTML IMPROVED
Global admins now have an option to add or deduct the HTML version of the finalized contract from being sent over outgoing emails.
HTML.mp4Autofill for Initials IMPROVED
Initials fields are now automatically auto filled if user opts for the render option, a selection of fonts are available.
Auto initials.mp4Watchers IMPROVED
Formally know as “additional participants” this feature is now called watchers.

Signature macro color palette IMPROVED
A fresh set of colors are picked for when there are multiple signers in order to enchase UI experience and enable easier distinction by simply looking at the signature bricks.

Bug fixes
Blank title contract FIXED
Fixed an issue where contracts could be created with a blank contract name.
Responsive UI for sign/reject button FIXED
Fixed an issue where the Sign and Reject buttons were moving outside the designated panel on smaller screens.
Table formatting FIXED
Fixed an issue where long text would break table formatting in the contract.
Special characters FIXED
Fixed an issue where special characters in contract title would block creation of the contract.