App permissions
Contract Signatures for Jira integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:
Read data from the host application
Write data to the host application
Delete data from the host application
Read data from the host application
We read issue content from Jira in order to create a HTML version of the contract for external signing.
Write data to the host application
The HTML version of the Jira issue generated by Contract Signatures is stored as an attachment to the issue. When the contract is signed, we convert the HTML file to PDF and store both versions. We also store the meta data associated with the contract, i.e. who created the contract, who signed it, Jira issue and project IDs, and who already signed/rejected the contract.
Delete data from the host application
If the user deletes the signed contract, then we delete the contract and all related attachments and meta data.
This does not affect the original Jira issue, only the HTML and PDF attachments generated using Contract Signatures.
If the user archives the contract then we just hide it on the contract list; no attachments get deleted.