Use Cases
Here are 3 possible uses for Contract Signatures for Confluence:
Use Case 1: Contracts

Every business has contracts. With employees, partners, customers. Where do you write, collaborate on, and store these agreements? If the answer is Confluence, then that’s great, because Confluence’s collaborative capabilities and unlimited storage make it an excellent option for contract management.
BUT there is no in-built feature that lets you add signatures to your Confluence agreements. This is why organizations use tools like DocuSign. The problem with that is you have to export the contract and manage the signing process in a whole other platform, putting your information and processes in more than one place.
With Contract Signatures for Confluence, you can add the Signature macro while you’re writing your contracts. Something you can’t do with most e-signature tools. The moment you finish writing and hit publish, you have an agreement that’s ready to sign – in Confluence. When a party adds their signature, it’s added to the live document in Confluence, and an audit trail is generated there, not somewhere else.
You could use Confluence and Contract Signatures for Confluence to create:
Employment contracts
Sales contracts
Service/supply contracts
Service-level agreements (SLAs)
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
Terms and conditions (if you sign them, you’re agreeing to be bound by them)
And more
Use Case 2: Invoices

An invoice is not a contract in a legal sense, because it doesn’t comprise or prove an agreement between two parties. It is technically a one-sided document.
Until someone signs it, that is.
Without a signature, an invoice is merely a list of products/services and a request for payment. In most cases, this is all invoices need to be because the legal contract between the parties was formed earlier.
However, there may be circumstances where you want the invoice itself to be legally binding on your client to pay it, and a signature can help that happen. As long as you set up your invoice correctly, a client signature can represent their agreement to submit payment in full. In effect, you can use Contract Signatures for Confluence to turn your invoices into agreements.
Sending your invoices is also easier with Contract Signatures. Instead of exporting the Confluence document to Word or PDF, Contract Signatures lets you share a secure, read-only link to the live invoice in Confluence with your client. It means that if your client needs any changes to the invoice, you can make them without sending the invoice again.
If your invoicing process doesn’t require client signatures, but you’d still like an easier way of sending them to clients without exporting them out of Confluence, consider using External Share for Confluence. This is a similar app that lets you share secure links to Confluence pages with users who aren’t on your instance.
Use Case 3: Approvals

You may need one or more stakeholders to approve a project proposal, process change, or purchase. You may need your boss to sign off on an invoice before it’s sent. You may want a colleague to acknowledge that they’ve read a policy by adding their signature.
If any of these people aren’t on your instance, then Contract Signatures for Confluence lets you obtain their sign-off without leaving Confluence. Simply add the Signature macro to your document for the number of stakeholders who need to approve it. Then use the app to send them a read-only link to the live Confluence page for immediate signing.