ESFJ - December 2022
New features
There are now 3 new features available
External comments, edition and deletion NEW
1.mp4External user are now able to edit and delete comments created by them, this includes anonymous users (not logged-in users).
Selected users - email autofill NEW
2.mp4If a created shared link includes selected users (email addresses), sharing the link via email will NO longer require manual input, simply click a button and all email addresses will be automatically added to the recipients field.
Permission schemes NEW
3.mp4External Share now supports Jira permission schemes, this is a more advanced approach to user access control as well as a more convenient approach. Documentations
Webhook optimization IMPROVED
We started receiving so much traffic from Jira that our server had trouble processing all messages.
We use those messages to send notification to External Users about changes in issue if they subscribed.
Domain and selected users columns IMPROVED
Two additional columns are now available (optional) to display selected users configuration on share list view, if an external share link has selected users, on the share list (project and global) you can view the list of domains and email addresses of the that share.

Personal view IMPROVED
Navigating to the apps drop down menu and selecting External Share will now be dynamic.
If user is Non-admin, they will see a list of created links by them, if the user is admin, they will have access to global settings as well as the list view, admins also get a quick filter button to instantly view links created by them.

External comment and attachment error feedback IMPROVED
If an issue has commenting and attachment restrictions, the comment feedback on External Share will now inform external user of the restriction, given the external users attempts to comment or add attachments.
7.mp4Issue/ project restrictions are forced by Jira, you can restrict external user actions on commenting and attachments from External Share configuration page.
Roadmap UI is now tuned to improve user experience.

Bug fixes
Linked issues in dark-mode FIXED
Linked issues field is now tuned to match dark-mode, previously hovering over this field would reflect a white background.
9.mp4String issue summary FIXED
There was an issue where the external user dashboard would break if the summary of an issue was made entirely of a single and long string, it is now fixed.
New documentation
Permission schemes PUBLISHED
Step by step guide on how to enable and operate permission schemes on External Share for Jira is now available, this is published as per the new Permission Schemes feature.