Plivo - How to enable it on Contract Signatures
Sign up
In order to sign up, simply go to and select sign up or click this link.

Add your full name, email and create a password and then select the “Create your trial account” button.
Continue the sign-up process and confirm your email address.
Auth ID
Open the dashboard menu, which you can access by clicking on the Plivo icon on the top-right corner of the screen.
On the dashboard menu, you can find your Auth ID under the “Account” section.

Copy the Auth ID value and paste it into the Auth ID field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.
Learn more here:
Authorization Token
You can view and copy your authorization token right below your Auth ID. This field is depicted in the image above.
Copy the authorization token value and paste it into the Authorization Token field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.
Sender number
On Plivo, you can purchase a number using free credits given to you for trial. Navigate to 'Phone Numbers' > 'Your numbers' > Active
In this menu you can see all of your active numbers. You need an active number in order to enable 2FA using Plivo on Contract Signatures.
Please Note: Sandbox numbers are used for different purposes and cannot be used for this purpose.

Click on the “Buy Number” button, here you can filter the type of number you wish to buy.
You can select multiple capabilities.
Please make sure your number has SMS capability; without this capability 2FA does not work.

Once you select the “Search” button simply pick the number you wish to purchase and click on the “Buy” button in front of the given number.

The following pop-up will appear. Please acknowledge that your account will be charged immediately, and if you are using the free credits then the amount will be reduced.

Click on “Buy Number & Continue”.
You will be asked to add further configurations to your number. This step depends on you and can be skipped as these configurations do not affect 2FA functionality. However, if you do have more than one number, selecting an alias may prove to be useful.

Finish the configuration or skip it. In this case, the configuration was skipped.
Now you have an active number, simply copy the number and paste it into the Plivo Phone Number in the E.164 format
field on the Contract Signatures (SMS Shipper Config) page.
Save the configuration in Contract Signatures global settings
Now you are ready to save the configuration.