Shared filter
Using External Share for Jira you can share filters.

Click the “External Share” button in the project side panel.
On the "View Links" page click the “Create External Share Filter” button.

Enter the JQL you want to use and select the options you require (see Link Options for more details). Options will apply to all issues on the shared link
More information about JQL filters:
A shared filter displays issues that meet the filtering criteria.

How to fix “There was a problem. It looks like the application requires an update“?
Manage Apps > External Share for Jira > Update
A manual update is required when the app permission scope is changed. We have requested new permission, “Act as user” (ACT_AS_USER
) - and we run JQL as the user who created or updated the share.
I do not want to copy JQL to the shared filter every time I want to change something, what I can do?
You can create a shared filter with JQL like filter = "referenced filter name or filter id”
. This way you update only your filter.
How I can share all issues? I can not create a share with an empty JQL field.
Create a JQL filter with a name e.g. “All“ and set the share JQL field to filter = “All“